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painting a wood fence | Murals by Marcy

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Picket Fence Mural


I love a good challenge almost as much as I love painting…so when I was asked to paint a more than 30-foot long Picket Fence Mural for an eatery called “Burrito Barn,” I jumped at the opportunity.  Little did I know HOW challenging it would be!  It wasn’t just the sheer size that proved difficult…it was painting on a coarse wood surface…trying to maintain a cohesive look when there were breaks in the fence every few inches…and, did I mention, the wind was blowing the fence the entire time!?!  Now that it’s done, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, take in the scenery, and enjoy a good burrito. Continue Reading →


Painting children's rooms, exterior murals, exterior paint, faux finishes, interior murals, canvases, holiday canvases, wooden plaques, beds, cabinets, dressers, furniture, party decorations, props, and other DIY crafts!