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broken jewelry | Murals by Marcy

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Jewelry Display Stand

Jewelry Display Stand

This Jewelry Display Stand may motivate you to dust off your old jewelry box and finally do something about those unused pieces of jewelry.  And, I’m not saying that because of how darling this louvered door now showcases jewelry, and how the hand-painted embellishments add a little sweetness.  I say that because of what the name “ReJeweled” is all about.

A dear friend of mine launched ~ReJeweled~ five and a half years ago as a ministry; taking donated broken pieces of jewelry and reworking them into something altogether different and beautiful.  She gives much of it away to widows, single moms, and women who need their spirits lifted.  “It’s beauty for ashes,” my friend Christina likes to say, “a reminder of how God takes our brokenness and redeems us.” So when she asked me if I could spruce up her louvered door that she uses to display her re-imagined jewelry, I was honored. Continue Reading →


Painting children's rooms, exterior murals, exterior paint, faux finishes, interior murals, canvases, holiday canvases, wooden plaques, beds, cabinets, dressers, furniture, party decorations, props, and other DIY crafts!